For this assigment I will analize the taxi driver.

The Mask: The mask of this character is that he is a taxi driver, also a foreign that does not know how to do his job and he is kind of lost.

Fears: The fear of this character is to lose his job and had make a trip so and not been that fructiferous.

Strong Traits: He is a dreamer and a good listener, he is also a very kind and polite person.

Admire Traits: He admires the passenger and his driving skills, also he wants to be able to interact with other people easily.

Trouble Traits: He is a disoriented person, he ca not speak english, and he does not even how to drive.

Dark Side: He does not like people who make fun of him, also doesn´t like not been taken into account, and people how does not give him a chance.


I would like to go to the old mexican toys museum (MUJAM) is in the city and has a temporary exposition of different toys through aut the mexican story has more than 2000 pizeces. I think it would be intristing to compare thous toys to the ones we use.


The nurse
There is no tragedy most know or read than Romeo and Juliet for William Shakespeare. And since it is most famous it is just natural that it has been adapted to the cinema in different occasions. One of these movies is Romeo + Juliet witch I found most intriguing. My favorite character on the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is of course the nice and always helpful nurse. Since I read the story I found the nurse a most amusing character due to each and every action she made, but the nurse we found on the  movie is just beyond whatever I had imagine about the character.
On the movie the nurse is represented as a very important person for one of the protagonist of the original play because even though she is just a nurse, she acts like Juliet´s best friend. As a matter of fact I dare say she is indeed Juliet´s best friend and as any good friend she is there to support Juliet´s decision. For she is also her confident and companion, the nurse is essential to the girl she has taken care of since infancy. On the movie, one of the few persons who knows about the love between Romeo and Juliet is the cherish woman just because Juliet tell her the whole thing.
Miriam Margolyes represents a nurse how is just funny. With her way of expressing and the fact that the language is old and setting of the movie is new a days, the contradiction reaffirms the humorous personality of the character because the language does not corresponds to the movie. Also the nurse we see on the movie is always fooling around with Juliet and likes to tease her just as a little girl would do.  For example when nurse comes back from seeing Romeo, she does not give away the information Juliet wants right away, she goes around and around the bush until Juliet gives her a massage.

The movie follows Shakespeare´s tragedy on all the structure and flow of events so the actions of the nurse are just the same, but the way nurse does them on the film is what gives it an interesting twist to the story. For example, when she meets Romeo on the beach, instead of doing it discretely she goes around with a red dress, a big umbrella and sun glasses as if she was an a parade. Also the person how makes the personification of the nurse (Miriam Margolys) on the screen, is a very good actress because her facial expressions are just admirable. All this facts makes the nurse actions very interesting because she really shows the emotion she is suppose too without any doubt.
I like nurse on the story because of her supportable personality, but on the movie I just love her for everything she represented and how she represented it. Personally, I did not love the film in his totality I thought it was very weird, nevertheless nurse I found it interesting and entertaining. The personification of nurse is just unique witch makes the normal nurse (as any other) we see on the story transformed on this funny person who just catch up your attention right away.  This is why my favorite character of Romeo and Juliet on the film is the good nurse.